Redshift3D Redshift Renderer (RS渲染器MAYA/3D插件) V.3.0.45 x64下载
Red shift 世界上第一个完全GPU加速的有偏渲染器,拥有着CPU渲染器的功能与毫不妥协的质量,但却拥有GPU的渲染速度。与其他GPU渲染器不同的是,Redshift是一个有偏渲染器,允许用户调整各个技术的质量,知识兔以获得最佳的性能/质量平衡的制作。
Redshift渲染器已经成为视觉效果和动画世界中的一种开创性的渲染解决方案。该渲染器面向专业艺术家,分享高性能的GPU渲染功能,知识兔使用户能够创建令人惊叹的逼真和详细的数字图像。凭借其先进的算法和分布式计算网络,RedShift能够在渲染复杂场景时获得无与伦比的速度和效率。此外,它与流行的3D应用程序(如Autodesk Maya和Cinema 4D)的集成使其成为各种行业的通用工具,知识兔包括电影、建筑和虚拟现实。
1.知识兔下载解压 请确保显卡驱动更新到最新,安装之前关闭各种杀毒卫士 安装 redshift_v3.0.45_demo_setup.exe2.同意
3.卡了一下 程序会自动识别本机已经安装的软件版本 不需要的就去掉 勾勾
4.输入 yes
6.复制altus-api.dll和rs.dll到C:\ProgramData\Redshift\bin\ (ProgramData是隐藏文件夹)如果知识兔你是C4D用,也拷贝到C4D安装目录的Maxon Cinema 4D 20XX\plugins\Redshift\res\libs\win64\根据你用的软件,拷贝到安装目录对应位置一份
8.在C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts将hosts拷贝到桌面,用记事本打开,在最后面加上127.0.0.1 activate.redshift3d.com前面不要加#,保存后复制回去替换即可
Title: Redshift3D Redshift Renderer V.3.0.45 x64 Win
Redshift is a powerful GPU-accelerated renderer, built to meet the specific demands of contemporary high-end production rendering. Tailored to support creative individuals and studios of every size, Redshift offers a suite of powerful features and integrates with industry standard CG applications.
Redshift has the features and uncompromising quality of a CPU renderer, but at GPU rendering speeds. Unlike other GPU renderers out there, Redshift is a biased renderer that allows the user to adjust the quality of individual techniques in order to get the best performance/quality balance for their production.
Redshift’s out-of-the-box functionality provides the essentials for delivering photorealistic results, and its RenderView Interactive Preview Region makes it a breeze to tweak settings and get immediate results. In fact, artists can make adjustments more or less in real time.
Tested with Maya, 3dMax and Nvidia 1070, 1080, rtx 2070
Maya users copy the cracked files to C:\ProgramData\redshift\Plugins\Maya\xxxx.
redshift_v3.0.45_demo_setup – 53/0 Clean
altus-api.dll -70/0 Clean