ScanMyReg(系统注册表优化软件) 4.2 中文特别版下载

ScanMyReg 是 Windows 上一款系统注册表优化实用软件。它会扫描 Windows 注册表,并在注册表中查找不正确或过时的信息。通过在 Windows 注册表中修复这些过时的信息,您的系统将运行得更快,没有错误。它还对注册表进行碎片整理,使其保持精简,知识兔以获得更流畅的系统性能。该工具的备份/还原功能可让您备份整个 Windows 注册表,知识兔以便在遇到某些系统故障时可以使用它来将注册表还原到当前状态。

  • 有效组织注册表片段并压缩注册表。
  • 扫描并修复注册表错误。
  • 备份和还原注册表文件。
  • 消除减速、崩溃和冻结。
  • 提高 PC 和互联网速度。

ScanMyReg(系统注册表优化软件) 4.2 中文特别版下载插图


File Size: 5.3 MB

ScanMyReg is the fastest and most effective registry optimization utility in the market. it scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. By fixing these obsolete information in Windows registry, your system will run faster and error free. it also defragments the registry, keeping it streamlined for smoother system performance. The backup/restore function of the tool let you backup your whole Windows Registry so you can use it to restore the registry to the current status in case you encounter some system failure……….





