Microsoft Powerpoint 2016 VL 16.9.0 Mac完美激活破解版 多语言版下载

Microsoft Powerpoint 2016 VL 16.9.0 Mac完美激活破解版,(2018年更新,带中文等多国语言)是微软公司设计的演示文稿软件。是苹果电脑用户最好用的演示文稿制作软件,没有之一,用户不仅可以在投影仪或者计算机上进行演示,知识兔也可以将演示文稿打印出来,制作成胶片,知识兔以便应用到更广泛的领域中。利用 Powerpoint 不仅可以创建演示文稿,还可以在互联网上召开面对面会议、远程会议或在网上给观众展示演示文稿。

Microsoft Powerpoint 2016 VL 16.9.0 Mac完美激活破解版 多语言版下载插图 Powerpoint 做出来的东西叫演示文稿,它是一个文件,其格式后缀名为:. ppt,或者也可以保存为.pdf、图片格式等,2010和2013版本中可保存为视频格式。演示文稿中的每一页就叫幻灯片,每张幻灯片都是演示文稿中既相互独立又相互联系的内容。

Design like a pro in seconds
designer PowerPoint offers design options that maximize the visual impact of a presentation in two simple steps to create customized high – quality presentations. Add an image and select the option you prefer, that’s all.
Film movement with one click
Transformation option lets you easily add a fluid motion to give life to your vision almost effortlessly. Just duplicate slides of the transition, move objects by encouraging them whatever you want and click Change.

Make presentations with confidence

Do not lose the thread
Use Presenter View of Office 2016 to review and rehearse presentations. When you project your presentation on a secondary display, the presenter view displays the current slide, the speaker notes and the next slide lot.
Move with agility
Explorer lets you change slides when another slide, though not contiguous, choosing in a grid. The audience only sees the slide you have selected.
Keep control
By projecting the presentation on a secondary display, the automatic extension option causes the slides automatically appear on the correct screen without having to manage configurations and equipment.

Teamwork improves outcome

A synchronized start
your presentations are saved online with OneDrive, OneDrive for Business or SharePoint by default. So when you send other users a link to your PowerPoint file, as well as permissions for viewing and editing, they will have the latest version.
Synchronized work
Work with your team on the same presentation at the same time as you heap up PowerPoint or PowerPoint Online Desktop. As aplicáis edits and changes to the document version history improved PowerPoint 2016 lets you view or retrieve previous drafts.
always synchronized
Add comments or respond to them from your phone, tablet, PC or Mac right next to the slide with which you are working. Everyone can see who responded to whom.




Microsoft Powerpoint 2016 VL 16.9.0 Mac完美激活破解版 多语言版下载插图1


打开方法:直接输入命令:打开Mac终端 输入以下代码回车sudo spctl --master-disable
Macos系统MacOS Big Sur 11以上提示没有权限打开应用的解决方法



PS:如果知识兔解压有问题请在下方关注公众号回复[解压密码 ]MD5校验文件码:MD5校验码作用和生成方法Windows系统、Macos


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