Unity Pro 2017.3.0P1/5.6.4P4 Mac/Win 官方原版+完美激活 VR/AR开发引擎 世界顶尖的游戏开发引擎下载
Unity 2017: 世界顶尖的游戏与VR/AR开发引擎
Unity Pro 2017.3.0P1/5.6.4P4全新功能将帮助开发者和艺术家共同创造出众的体验与内容。Timeline和Cinemachine等强大的新功能,将让艺术家在没有程序员帮助的情况下,自主创造出影视内容和游戏桥段。无需等待,创造者们将有更多时间去挥洒创意。
最尖端的游戏开发,需要最尖端的平台技术。Unity是世界上应用最广泛的VR/AR开发平台。Unity Plus全面支持Oculus Rift、 Gear VR,、Playstation VR、微软 HoloLens 和 Steam VR/Vive。
An all-in-one Editor that extends to match your production workflow
The Unity Editor features multiple tools that enable rapid editing and iteration in your development cycles, including Play mode for quick previews of your work in real-time.
All-in-one editor: Available on Windows系统 and Mac, it includes a range of artist-friendly tools for designing immersive experiences and game worlds, as well as a strong suite of developer tools for implementing game logic and high-performance gameplay.
2D & 3D: Unity supports both 2D and 3D development with features and functionality for your specific needs across genres.
AI领航工具: Unity includes a navigation system that allows you to create NPCs that can intelligently move around the game world. The system uses navigation meshes that are created automatically from your Scene geometry, or even dynamic obstacles, to alter the navigation of the characters at runtime.
User interfaces: Our built-in UI system allows you to create user interfaces fast and intuitively.
Physics engines: Take advantage of Box2D and NVIDIA PhysX support for highly realistic and high-performance gameplay.
自定义工具: You can extend the Editor with whatever tools you need to match your team’s workflow. Create and add customized extensions or find what you need on our Asset Store, which features thousands of resources, tools and extensions to speed up your projects.
Art and Design tools
The Unity Editor is a creative hub for artists, designers, developers, and other team members. It includes 2D and 3D scene design tools, storytelling and cinematics, lighting, audio system, Sprite management tools, particle effects and a powerful dopesheet animation system.
故事叙述: Timeline工具可供艺术家们创建惊艳的影视内容与游戏过场动画。
影视内容: With Cinemachine’s suite of smart and dynamic cameras, you can control shots just like a movie director from within the Editor.
Color grading and effects: Create the look you want with professional and fully featured Post Processing FX.
Animation: Use Timeline, Anima2D, Particles, and tight integration with Maya and other 3rd party tools to animate directly within Unity.
Level design and worldbuilding: Use in-editor creation tools to prototype, design 2D levels, and directly import scenes from Maya with high-fidelity.
Lighting: Get instant feedback with the Progressive Lightmapper, polish and hone your scene with Post Processing, and optimise your scene with Mixed Lighting Modes for the best result per target platform.
Bring your game alive in the day with sun shafts or take your players down midnight streets glowing with neon signs or into shadowy tunnels.
Real-time rendering engine: Produce amazing visual fidelity with Real-Time Global Illumination and Physically Based Rendering.
原生图形API: Unity supports multiplatforms, but still stays close to the low level graphics API of each platform, allowing you to take advantage of the latest GPU and hardware improvements, like Vulkan, iOS Metal, DirectX12, nVidia VRWorks or AMD LiquidVR.
More about Graphics Rendering
Optimize your interactive creations with a top performing engine that keeps on improving.
Advanced profiling tools offer insights, such as determining if your game is CPU or GPU-bound, and how to optimize rendering and gameplay performance for a smooth user experience
Native C++ performance across platforms with Unity-developed back-end IL2CPP scripting, which is continuously improved
Scripting runtime Mono/.NET 4,6/C#6 (experimental in 2017.1)
Coming later in 2017/2018
Simple and safe multithreaded job system for the most compute-intensive scenarios (experimental version coming soon)
Unity专业软件的gongn和特点 :
– 有吸引力和视觉友好的环境
– 使用强大的Mono软件编辑编程语言
– 支持C#,JavaScript和Boo编程语言
– 可以导入3ds Max,Maya,Blender等3D软件输出。
– 着色器类型,高品质效果和效果
– 高速渲染操作
– 各种类型的土地,天气,车辆和…的完整和先进的模拟
– 使用nVIDIA PhysX物理引擎进行模拟,速度,摩擦,碰撞
– 利用新的照明技术和创建移动物体的阴影
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