ABBYY FineReader OCR Pro 12.1.7 Mac完美激活破解版 下载
ABBYY FineReader 12.1.7 Mac是一种图片文字识别软件,完美激活破解版下载。FineReader可以快速、准确、方便的方式来扫描文件、PDF格式、数字和图像转换成可编辑的文本格式;Microsoft® Word、Excel®、PowerPoint®、可检索的PDF、HTML、DjVu、等。与99,8%的识别准确率OCR技术即刻能够识别文本,你现在可以复制和粘贴,搜索或编辑,而不是花费无数个小时,重新输入和重新格式化文档。FineReader可以转换几乎所有打印的文档类型,知识兔包括书籍,杂志上的文章与复杂的布局,表格和电子表格,在Mac系统中是一个强大的OCR软件之一;
Easily turn documents of virtually any origin into information you can edit, quote, archive, search or share! ABBYY FineReader Pro complements the hassle-free efficiency of your computer by transforming paper documents, PDFs and digital photos of text into editable and searchable files. Say goodbye to time-consuming retyping and reformatting of documents – FineReader’s unmatched text recognition accuracy, language coverage and conversion features retain your original’s text, layout and formatting. It’s OCR the easy way – just as it should be!
With just a few clicks you can:
Update documents with text corrections, date changes, modified conditions, links to other documents and more
Instantly pull quotes from text and extract data
Create searchable PDF files for archiving and sharing
Make documents accessible for text-to-voice and more
Scans and converts documents and images into a wide variety of popular electronic formats including: DOCX, ODT, RTF, XSLX, PDF and PDF/A, PPTX, HTML, EPUB and FB2
Automates conversion tasks, processes batches of documents, and provides the ability to schedule OCR processing with the help of newly added Automator actions and AppleScript commands support;
Accurately reconstructs document structure, layout and formatting across multiple pages – including headers/footers, footnotes, table of contents, page numbering, captions, etc.
Creates editable, searchable and secure PDFs that are perfect for archiving and sharing
Creates e-books in EPUB and FB2 formats for tablets and portable readers
Performs image and photo pre-processing using ABBYY’s Advanced Digital Camera OCR technology
Applies advanced OCR features to complex conversion tasks
Professional OCR results with up to 99.8% character recognition accuracy
Widest language support in the industry: 189 recognition languages (including Asian languages) in any combination of languages
Multi-channel document input enables you to scan paper documents for processing or convert scanned images, PDFs and digital photos of text
User-friendly interface with pre-defined Quick Tasks makes using FineReader easy and intuitive and provides Section 508 compliancy
注意:Macos系统在10.12以上打开提示损坏,需要打开任何来源才能使用.! 打开方法:直接输入命令:打开Mac终端 输入以下代码回车 sudo spctl --master-disable Macos系统MacOS Big Sur 11以上提示没有权限打开应用的解决方法 |
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