MAMP PRO for Mac 4.4.1 网络服务器下载

MAMP PRO是专业级版本的经典本地服务器环境的os x软件。MAMP这几个首字母代表苹果的OSX系统上的Macintosh、Apache、MySQL和PHP,顾名思义,你应该知道MAMP的强大功能 啦!MAMP 内含 Apache 服务器、PHP 安装套件以及MySQL安装套件。只要轻松点选就能安装架站/讨论区/论坛必备的元件。透过Web界面稍作设定,在苹果电脑上架设自己专属的网站,就是这 么简单又开心的事情和windows下的XAMPP、WAMP,Linux系统下的LAMP一样。都是Apache+Mysql+PHP的集成环境。2018年最新版


MAMP PRO is the commercial, professional grade version of the classic local server environment for OS X: MAMP. Designed for professional Web developers and programmers, MAMP Pro allows easy installation and administration of their development environment under OS X.

As a professional Web developer you have to test your programs in detail. In addition, you need a highly configurable developing environment with all the components also used by most ISPs: Apache, MySQL and PHP in the latest stable versions. No matter whether you want to test your latest AJAX creation, or realize a new page with webEdition: MAMP Pro supports you during the tests of your developments. You can set up any number of servers to carry out tests without danger for your live system. Besides, the local name resolution is performed by MAMP Pro. To simulate a very authentic environment, the MAMP Pro also switches on the local mail server, so that dispatching mails by PHP scripts is possible.


The freely available standard design “MAMP” is automatically coinstalled with MAMP Pro. Thus all MAMP features are available to you immediately:
Apache Web server
MySQL database server
phpMyAdmin to access the MySQL database
PHP as a module for the Web server
Company of Web server and database on standard or individual port

Version 4.3:
Updated Components:
Apache 2.2.34
MySQL 5.6.38
phpMyAdmin 4.7.5
PHP 5.6.32, 7.0.26 and 7.1.12
Fixed a bug where Memcached could not be quit.
Localhost can be saved to Dropbox even if it’s the only host.
~/Sites can now be used as a document root folder.
The Restore button is only enabled if there is a file to restore.
Factory Settings / Settings 2 now use correct ports for https and MySQL.
Apache 2.2.34
Nginx 1.13.2
MySQL 5.6.38
MySQL Utilities 1.5.6
PHP 5.4.45, 5.5.38, 5.6.32, 7.0.26 & 7.1.12
APC/apcu 3.1.13/4.0.11 & 5.1.7
XCache 1.2.2 & 3.2.0
Xdebug 2.2.7, 2.4.1 & 2.5.0
Perl 5.24.0
mod_perl 2.0.9
DBI 1.633
DBD::mysql 4.031
Python 2.7.13
mod_wsgi 3.5
mod_python 3.5.0
MySQL Connector/Python 2.1.3
Ruby (with Rails) 2.3.3 (4.2.7)
phpMyAdmin 4.7.5
phpLiteAdmin 1.9.7-1
Freetype 2.6.5
OpenSSL 1.0.2j
libevent 2.0.22
memcached/libmemcached 1.4.32/1.0.18
memcached for PHP 2.2.0 & 3.0.0b1
t1lib 5.1.2
curl 7.52.1
jpeg 9b
libpng 1.6.27
tiff 4.0.6
gd 2.2.3
ImageMagick 6.9.6-2
Imagick 3.1.2 & 3.4.3
Ghostscript 9.20
PHPUnit 4.8.21 & 5.1.3
zlib 1.2.8
ICU 56.1 (Unicode 8.0)
libxml2 2.8.0
libxslt 1.1.28
gettext 0.19.6
libidn 1.17
iconv 1.14
mcrypt 2.5.8
OAuth 1.2.3 & 2.0.2
YAZ 5.16.0, PHP/YAZ 1.2.1
YAML 0.1.5, PHP/YAML 1.2.0 & 1.2.0
Bison 2.7.1



MAMP PRO for Mac 4.4.1 网络服务器下载插图1


打开方法:直接输入命令:打开Mac终端 输入以下代码回车sudo spctl --master-disable
Macos系统MacOS Big Sur 11以上提示没有权限打开应用的解决方法




PS:如果知识兔解压有问题请在下方关注公众号回复[解压密码 ]MD5校验文件码:MD5校验码作用和生成方法Windows系统、Macos


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