Pyka Project Manager 1.0.8 Mac 下载

Pyka Project Manager 1.0.8 Mac完美激活版,是一个强大的项目管理软件

Pyka Project Manager 1.0.8 Mac 下载插图

Pyka is a revolutionary new library application project and the first working Hub world. Designed for people who work in project – based environments, Pyka takes its library project to a whole new level. There are many challenges and problems that arise when individuals or teams working on projects. While there are many solutions to help people manage their time, almost nothing exists to help people manage their library and archives project … until today!

Features for individuals and teams:
• Pyka takes the clutter of files and folders on your hard drive and drag them to a unified library projects.
• Pyka your projects is like a family tree. In Pyka, you can keep many different versions of your projects as you want without duplicating data or make a mess of folders on your hard drive. Pyka organizes, tracks, manages and stores versions of your projects, providing intuitive control of the masses for the first time in a friendly and visually versions.
• Pyka allows you to use and reuse common assets such as logos, movies and pictures, as often as desired while stored only once. This dramatically reduces the storage footprint of your library.
• The Pyka libraries may exist in one location or span multiple storage volumes on multiple possible configurations. This allows users to have a lot of external hard drives combine your storage space to build a large library with libraries fail – safe backup.
• And best of all, Pyka focuses its storage system projects around the search. Instead of making you remember exactly where something is stored, Pyka works with any information that you remember. So all you’ve done is just a few keystrokes away.

Features for small and large teams:
• Using shared storage network, Pyka gives users the ability to view projects while other users make changes. Managers and project managers can now receive live updates on your desktop whenever a teammate makes a change.
• Using shared storage network, Pyka allows large teams to collaborate on projects into sub – dividing large mass, which can be assigned to different team members. Whether you’re creating a report of a large company, building a monthly magazine, creating a movie with many scenes and shots, or working on any large scale project, retracts Pyka not work.
• Using shared storage network, Pyka also takes away the headache to projects that pass between team members. Never send another zip file project in a chain email again. Never go to search the folder for a team member to find a project to be responsible again. Never again suffer the consequences of the disruption of a team member. Collaboration is the heart of the design Pyka.
• Fully compatible with most storage volumes SMB network file and AFP.

These and many other things are what make Pyka a powerful tool for individuals and teams working on projects.

New in version

Fixed in this update:
• Improvements lower performance.

It fixed in recent updates:
• a minor fault is corrected in the user interface that caused the tables were black.
• Pyka now offers an intuitive browser for users who prefer to browse rather than search!
• Pyka offers a list view to accompany the icon view!
• Imported files through projects now inherit their creation date to the creation date of the project. This is reflected in the search for all newly imported files.
• Pyka now allows users to search for files by campaigns that have been included.
• Pyka now allows users to search for files by users who have worked with them on projects.
• a fault is corrected in the search engine that sometimes caused several timestamps will cancel each other.
• a fault is corrected in the search engine that sometimes caused the Campaign tags cancel some kinds of search results.
• Made the time tag out more intuitive to find.

Pyka Project Manager 1.0.8 Mac 下载插图1


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