Rhinoceros 5.4.1 for Mac 犀牛苹果3D设计软件 下载
Rhinoceros for Mac 是一款功能强大的高级建模软件,知识兔可以创建、编辑、分析、分享、渲染、动画与转换 NURBS 线条、曲面、实体与多边形网格。不受精度、复杂、阶数或是尺寸的限制。Rhinoceros(犀牛) for Mac 绝对是3D专业制作人员及爱好者的福音。最新RhinoWIP中文破解版下载(多语言版)
Rhinoceros: 3D modeler versatile. Rhino for Mac Work-In-Progress (WIP)
Rhinoceros can create, edit, analyze, document, render, animate , and translate curves, NURBS surfaces and solids *, point clouds and polygon meshes. There are no limits on complexity, degree , or size beyond your hardware.
Special features include:
• Modeling tools 3-D freeform uninhibited, like those found only in products costing 20 to 50 times. Modela any way you can imagine.
• Accuracy needed to design, prototype, design, analyze and manufacture anything from an airplane to jewelry.
• Compatibility with all other programs design, drafting, CAM, engineering, analysis, rendering, animation and illustration.
• Read and repair extremely challenging IGES and mesh files.
• Accessible. So easy to learn and use that you can focus on design and visualization without being distracted by the software.
• Fast, even on an ordinary laptop. No special hardware required.
• Development platform for hundreds of specialized modeling products. (Windows系统 only)
• Affordable. Ordinary hardware. Short learning curve affordable purchase price. No maintenance fees.
注意:Macos系统在10.12以上打开提示损坏,需要打开任何来源才能使用.! 打开方法:直接输入命令:打开Mac终端 输入以下代码回车 sudo spctl --master-disable Macos系统MacOS Big Sur 11以上提示没有权限打开应用的解决方法 https://zhishitu.com/archives/19632.html |